All sites ASC certified by 2020

All sites ASC certified by 2020


Bakkafrost intends to have all sites ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) certified by the year 2020.

The ASC standard is believed to be the strictest standard in salmon farming. The ASC standard was developed in cooperation with the WWF (World Wildlife Foundation). The ASC standards seeks to minimize or eliminate the key negative environmental and sosial impacts of salmon farming.

The standard consist of 7 key principles covering preservation of environment and biodiversity, preservation of wild populations, prevention of escapes, responsible use of animal feed and other resources, animal health, prevention of unnecessary use of therapeutics and chemicals and social responibilty and labour issues.

In march 2015, the first of our sites, Gøtuvík, was certified according to the ASC standard. The next site, Gulin, will be audited in the spring of 2016.

Bakkafrost holds several certifications. The whole company is GlobalGAP certified. The VAP production is certified according to the BRC and IFS standards and ASC. Havsbrún are certified according to the ISO9001:2000, GMP+ standards and the IFFO RS certification

Press Contacts:
Regin Jacobsen CEO
+298 23 50 01