
Bakkafrost is one of the largest producers of salmon in the world and the leading salmon farmer in the Faroe Islands. We have the longest integrated value chain in the industry, and we can offer diverse employment opportunities at all levels. Our main job areas include:

  • Production of fish meal, oil, and feed
  • Freshwater farming
  • Sea Farming
  • Processing
  • Packaging
  • Shipping, sales and marketing
  • Staff functions

To maintain our position as a business-leading company, Bakkafrost needs engaged and talented employees with different professional backgrounds.

Roles in Scotland:

Should you wish to apply for a role in Scotland, please use the following link to apply:

Current vacancies in Scotland (

Unsolicited applications:

Are you not able to find a vacant position that matches your qualifications? Please send us an unsolicited application with your CV to Please note that we will keep your details on file for future vacancies, if applicable, for 6 months unless you specifically request otherwise.

Dekkari til Bakkabrúgv

Vit hava eitt starv sum dekkari við “Bakkabrúgv” leyst at søkja. Bakkabrúgv vaskar nótir ROV-nótavaskarum, sum manningin koyrir uppá skift. Upplæring verður givin umborð. Dekkarin hevur eisini vanligt deksarbeiði.

Umsóknarfreistin er 26. mars.

Alilærlingar 2025

Vit søkja eftir alilærlingum. Freistin at søkja er tann 13. apríl.

Maskinsmiðjur til smoltstøðina á Strond